Cerulea Font Family

Cerulea Font Family
14 TTF
Cerulea is a unicase from the world of the sky. Drawing inspirations from Art Nouveau, Classical Roman, and Uncial styles, Cerulea’s wide, spacious bowls, sharp points, and subtle wandering curves evoke airiness, flight, and fantasy. Seven weights, and true italics for each, range from zephyrous to thunderous. Vary the mood every time you choose between the serious capital form of a letter, the more fanciful lowercase form, or another variant in the stylistic sets. The more than 800 glyphs cover pan-European Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, fractions, circled numbers, planet and zodiac symbols, card suits, chess pieces, ornaments, and more.
14 TTF
Cerulea is a unicase from the world of the sky. Drawing inspirations from Art Nouveau, Classical Roman, and Uncial styles, Cerulea’s wide, spacious bowls, sharp points, and subtle wandering curves evoke airiness, flight, and fantasy. Seven weights, and true italics for each, range from zephyrous to thunderous. Vary the mood every time you choose between the serious capital form of a letter, the more fanciful lowercase form, or another variant in the stylistic sets. The more than 800 glyphs cover pan-European Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, fractions, circled numbers, planet and zodiac symbols, card suits, chess pieces, ornaments, and more.