Malva Font Family

Malva Font Family
18 TTF
Malva was designed to perform as a branding element, providing a clean look for visual identities and publications. It brings a touch of friendliness to the communication without compromising the professional look every brand strives for.Legibility was one of the top concerns during the development of Malva. We took special care to differentiate the naturally ambiguous characters I, i, l and 1. Besides that, carefully proportioned letterforms make Malva a very legible text typeface. The lighter and bolder weights look great at large sizes, such as posters, ads and headlines. On the other hand, the whole family works very well on the web and on mobile devices.The family consists of 18 fonts, from Thin to Black and matching italics. Each font contains 424 glyphs, supporting 219 languages.
18 TTF
Malva was designed to perform as a branding element, providing a clean look for visual identities and publications. It brings a touch of friendliness to the communication without compromising the professional look every brand strives for.Legibility was one of the top concerns during the development of Malva. We took special care to differentiate the naturally ambiguous characters I, i, l and 1. Besides that, carefully proportioned letterforms make Malva a very legible text typeface. The lighter and bolder weights look great at large sizes, such as posters, ads and headlines. On the other hand, the whole family works very well on the web and on mobile devices.The family consists of 18 fonts, from Thin to Black and matching italics. Each font contains 424 glyphs, supporting 219 languages.