The Peony Symphony | Allegro Fuchsia 1504637

The Peony Symphony | Allegro Fuchsia 1504637
PNG EPS | 530 MB
Every flower is perfect from the beginning. It's like a genius symphony, exquisite and complete from the moment of creation. No man can be better creator than the Universe itself. Man can only copycat and imitate. Nature is like solved mathematic equation. Every petal, every color is on the place. Nature is a great composer, playing sensitively the vibrations of the Universe.
PNG EPS | 530 MB
Every flower is perfect from the beginning. It's like a genius symphony, exquisite and complete from the moment of creation. No man can be better creator than the Universe itself. Man can only copycat and imitate. Nature is like solved mathematic equation. Every petal, every color is on the place. Nature is a great composer, playing sensitively the vibrations of the Universe.