Mr Palker Dad
Mr Palker Dad — has appeared in a natural evolution of the Palker-Palkerson family. Its closest relative - grotesque Mr Palker Dadson. This generation is more stout than the previous one. One may even be brave enough to use them for composing small texts. Notably Mr Parker Dad has become one of the frequently sold typefaces on the «Peterburg. The city speaks» map as it is highly readable while remaining extremely tight. Mr Parker Dad has all the features of P&P’s family.
Mr Palker Dad — has appeared in a natural evolution of the Palker-Palkerson family. Its closest relative - grotesque Mr Palker Dadson. This generation is more stout than the previous one. One may even be brave enough to use them for composing small texts. Notably Mr Parker Dad has become one of the frequently sold typefaces on the «Peterburg. The city speaks» map as it is highly readable while remaining extremely tight. Mr Parker Dad has all the features of P&P’s family.