Debby Font Family

Debby Font Family

Debby Font Family | 1 x OTF and TTF

Debby is a hand-drawn brush typeface to make your works looks natural. It designed to feel personal and imperfect; the irregular bouncy characters and the rough shapes speaks by itself. You can use it for anything from wedding invitation, quote poster, logo, greeting cards, etc.
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Balqis Font Family | 1 x OTF and TTF

Balqis Font Family | 1 x OTF and TTF

Balqis Font Family | 1 x OTF and TTF

Balqis is a feminine striped-rough calligraphy typeface that presents casual and natural feeling. It has a high contrast and very legible as a script font. Suitable for wedding invitations, greeting card designs, logos, or everything you may think it suits. Balqis available in OTF and TTF format.
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Butler Font Family | 14 x OTF

Butler Font Family | 14 x OTF

Butler Font Family | 14 x OTF

Butler serif typeface inspired by a mix between both Dala Floda & the amazing Bodoni family. The main goal was to bring a bit of modernism to serif fonts by working on the curves of classical serif fonts and adding an extra stencil family.
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