Aveline Script 1264144

Aveline Script 1264144

Aveline Script 1264144
Aveline Script is hand written fonts set . Very cool for logos, name tag, handwritten quotes, product packaging, merchandise, social media & greeting cards. And very easy to make design t-shirts and other products. Very save time in making the design of a product. It contains a full set of lower & uppercase letters, a large range of punctuation, numerals, and multilingual support.
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Alcester 1262379

Alcester 1262379

Alcester 1262379
Alcester is a timeless classic font based off of Vintage Typography, and inspired by Coffee Shops. Use it to make the perfect packaging, typography piece, storefront sign, and many other things. The bold condensed look gives it appeal from long distance, and the softer edges suggest a handcrafted feel.
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Atlantic 1263862

Atlantic 1263862

Atlantic 1263862
Atlantic font is a new font with new style and good alternatif for used. Atlantic font can make your job is ok..for all needed. include with Atlantic font; Atlantic [ TTF] Atlantic [OTF] present by triotone for font lover we hope you enjoy with it.. thanks very much for cheking and furchese it...l hove your dayly is happy..
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Fluffy Font 1449934

Fluffy Font  1449934

Fluffy Font 1449934
This amazing handmade font would be perfect for quotes, logos, clothing brand, design greeting, prints, web design, invitation, business cards, cafe and much more. Fluffy packs a set of uppercase and lowercase, numbers and punctuation.
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Synthesia Script Font 1452539

Synthesia Script Font 1452539

Synthesia Script Font 1452539
Synthesia Script comes with upper and lowercase characters, punctuation glyphs, numerals, and supports international languages. Stylistic sets for several key lower case characters are also available. Perfect for logo marks, typographic quotes over photos, book covers and packaging design.
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Gizmo - uppercase marker font 1222119

Gizmo - uppercase marker font 1222119

Gizmo - uppercase marker font 1222119
Introducing Gizmo - an uppercase font which is fun & serious at the same time. Gizmo is a hand drawn marker font that is ideal for text headers, business cards, product packaging. posters. Also it’s a great option if you want to pair two fonts together - it will work especially great with script fonts. Text written with Gizmo is easy to read, so you can type large portions of text, and yet it will have this organic human touch. You will find font in both OTF and TTF formats. No special software is required to use Gizmo - just install it as you normally do on your system. Extensive language support is included - just type message in the text box below and see if all characters you’ll need are there.
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