CODEC a handwritten font 1218616

CODEC a handwritten font 1218616

CODEC a handwritten font 1218616
A handwritten modern font with a personal touch. The imperfections create an organic feel with a strait forward clean font. CODE is perfect for art projects, font art, homeware designs, logo design or a stylish text overlay to any background image. Fonts are provided in TTF & OTF formats. Upper and lowercase, 0-9 and no punctuation. Please do let me know what you think, comments & likes are always welcomed and appreciated. Please don't hesitate to drop me a message if you have any issues or questions.
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QUICK ARCHITECT a handwritten font 1218644

QUICK ARCHITECT a handwritten font 1218644

QUICK ARCHITECT a handwritten font 1218644
Also known as QA, A quick modern handwritten architectural font with a personal touch. The quick fluid motions from the pen create an organic feel with a strait crisp font. QUICK ARCHITECT is perfect for art projects, home designs, logo design or a stylish text overlay to any background image.
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Turnright Bevel Font

Turnright Bevel Font

Turnright Bevel Font
Turnright Bevel is best used in accompaniment to Turnpike Display, at large point sizes. It is provided as a vector font (eps format) in 3 layers to give control over the shades and colours of the outlines, highlights and body of each glyph independently…
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Blak Font

Blak Font

Blak Font
Blak is a neoclassical blackletter inspirited display typeface. It’s pure geometric shapes and strict grids gives the typeface a modern and bold aesthetic. Blak was designed for large display purposes but is well balanced to be legible in smaller application when used in moderation. The name 'Blak' references the creation process of the typeface; the act of removing all unnecessary decorative elements from a classic 'blackletter' and applying strict styling rules
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