Innova Font Family

Innova Font Family

Innova Font Family
32 TTF
Innova. A new grotesque for the 21st century. More open. More squarish. More legible.
After the many grotesques which have been designed over the years, is it still possible to improve this genre? Innova is a new design—a contribution to the tradition of grotesque typefaces. It is an attempt to improve both this genre’s legibility and versatility.
Innova consists of two families: Innova and Innova Alt. The Innova family has rectangular dots. The Innova Alt family has round dots—making its personality a little friendlier.
Innova is well suited for both text and display use—for graphic design, corporate identity design, magazines, newspapers, books, reports, editorials, web, advertising, signage, etc.
Innova includes 16 uprights and 16 matching italics. It includes small caps, arbitrary fractions, and extensive language support. It includes nine numerical styles: lining and oldstyle figures (proportional and tabular), small cap figures, superiors, inferiors, numerators, and denominators.
Innova embodies the renewal needed for the traditional grotesques. It is a grotesque which is fit for the 21st century
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Andis Font Family

Andis Font Family

Andis Font Family
12 TTF
Andis’ rough cut makes it an interesting display typeface, but thanks to its generous x-height and firm serifs, Andis works equally well in text sizes. The typeface’s idiosyncratic italic builds a strong contrast with the roman.
Andis is both functional and expressive; using it lends a humanistic touch to editorial or advertising work
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