ThemeForest - Directory v2.3 - Multi-purpose WordPress Theme - 10480929

ThemeForest - Directory v2.3 - Multi-purpose WordPress Theme - 10480929

Directory Multi-purpose Responsive WordPress Theme is an absolutely unique premium WordPress theme, it is the result of months and months of development and constant feedbacks from users and buyers. This theme is built in cooperation with you! Your users will never have access to the WordPress dashboard, everything is done on the front-end. You can, register, login, edit your profile, submit listings, and so much more from the front-end without having to visit the WordPress dashboard.
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ThemeForest - Varsita v1.3 - WordPress Learning Management System - 10502637

ThemeForest - Varsita v1.3 - WordPress Learning Management System - 10502637

Varsita is a multipurpose WordPress 4+ theme for all kinds of high schools, universities, courses, Online Learning System, and education business. It's beautiful, clean, modern and professional. We built this theme specifically for educational institutions, training organizations and include easy to use customization features. We build something awesome that helps schools, faculty members, and students. We believe that building any business website can be easy and fun with Varsita.
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