Logo Addons - Round Edition 728772

Logo Addons - Round Edition 728772

The logo Add-Ons Round Edition is the first of a series of logo creation kits. No matter if you're just looking for some new logos or you simply need a set of new elements to enhance your existing logos and logo creation kit, this amazing item is for you! At the bottom the description, you will find all the other available editions.
Layered PSD | Vector EPS | Ai Illustrator | JPG Image | CS4+ | RAR 26,6 MB
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50 Solarize Lightroom Presets 362884

50 Solarize Lightroom Presets 362884

50 Solarize Presets for Adobe Lightroom
Solarize Lightroom Presets is a collection of 50 professional Lightroom Presets perfect for photographers and graphic designers. They have been created with precise calibration adjustments and tone arrangements to emulate the famous Sabattier effect. Apply them to achieve cool solarized effect.
Solarisation (or solarization) is a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light or light areas appear dark. The term is synonymous with the Sabattier effect when referring to negatives, but is technically incorrect when used to refer to prints.
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SubtleTones ~ 10 Lightroom Presets 311349

SubtleTones ~ 10 Lightroom Presets 311349

The Subtle Tones Lightroom presets are an elegant finish that can be applied to most images to create a gentle, simple and beautiful polish. If you want to give your images a nice warm, romantic, soft, smooth look, this package is for you! This preset pack will bring out incredible light and tone in your photos without compromising quality.
All our presets are 100% non destructive, meaning you can reset with just one click to the images original state, keeping your original Raw image always safe.
The final effect may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the original image that's why we offer a large selection of pre-made variations to accommodate different lighting conditions.
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The Muse ~ 20 Lightroom Presets 299783

The Muse ~ 20 Lightroom Presets 299783

Give your portraits the perfect finishing touch. The Muse Collection includes effects that add color and depth to your images, creating a special dreamy mood. Whether you’re a newborn, family, portrait, maternity or wedding photographer, the Muse Collection will help you make all your images shine to their fullest potential.
All our presets are 100% non destructive, meaning you can reset with just one click to the images original state, keeping your original Raw image always safe.
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GraphicRiver - Aqua Photoshop Action 16430213

GraphicRiver - Aqua Photoshop Action 16430213

This Action will transform your photo in artwork – This action has been tested and working on Photoshop (only for English versions),CS6 – You must run the action in RGB color mode in Photoshop -8 Bits Chanel – After the action is complete, you will have fully layer control to tweak the look as you wish – Instructions Included
Photoshop ABR | Photoshop ATN | Photoshop PAT | CS6+ | RAR 12,6 MB
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