Body Sparks 871769

Body Sparks 871769

Body Sparks 871769
Your photo is in RGB color mode
Your photo is in 8bit color mode
You are running the English version of Photoshop.
If you are experiencing errors, try resetting your Photoshop preferences. To do this, hold down Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys (Mac: Command, Option, Shift) while starting up Photoshop. A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to delete the preferences/settings file.
Avoid using small resolution images. For the best results, use Photos between 1500px - 3000px high/wide. Chances of the action running into errors will increase the lower you go under 1000px high/wide. Photos with good color variation and contrast wil work best.
Avoid brushing onto mainly black areas on a photo. The effect is not very prominant when applied to mostly dark areas of a photo.
Remember that adjusting your photo resolution will determine how wide the parts spread out. If you run the action at 72DPI, then the parts will be quite close - if you run it at 300DPI, the parts will be spread much wider. Please refer to the video tutorial for a demonstration of this.
If you experience an 'Out of Memory' error during the action, go to the menu 'Edit -- Purge -- All' then press play again on the action to continue it. This can happen if you have insufficient memory installed on your computer. Photoshop can chew up lots of memory!
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Twinkle Photoshop Action 859656

Twinkle Photoshop Action 859656

Twinkle Photoshop Action 859656
Twinkle action will apply fairy effects into your images (photo, design, logo, painting, drawing, ect.). You just draw some shape and it will become Twinkle effects with lighting from your color brush. After action has finished, you will have a beautiful design with fairy lighting effects, it's awesome. It creates a well organised layer structure. Each layer and layer group are named appropriately and color coded to create a clearly working environment for you. Use them by try to experiment with all the different layers. Hide or show layer, duplicate layer to enhance the effects, moving, resizing, rotating, changing blend mode, ect…
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Burst Lighting 866451

Burst Lighting 866451

Burst Lighting 866451
Burst Lighting action will apply wonderful effects into your images (photo, design, logo, painting, drawing, ect.). After action has finished, you will have a beautiful design with magic lighting effects, it's awesome. It creates a well organised layer structure. Each layer and layer group are named appropriately and color coded to create a clearly working environment for you.
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CG Broken Glass Actions v2.0 866191

CG Broken Glass Actions v2.0 866191

CG Broken Glass Actions v2.0 866191
Break your text,shape and even raster images with these photoshop actions. Set your shatter size, change layer styles and even rearrange shattered parts. Action sets gives ability to make lots of custom changes.
• 1 ATN Photoshop Action File with all actions
• 1 PAT Photoshop File with used patterns
• Info.txt file (Instructions)
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64 Lightroom Presets: Core Set 852672

64 Lightroom Presets: Core Set 852672

64 Lightroom Presets: Core Set 852672
This complete collection of Lightroom CC presets has been created through the course of my career as a fine art photographer. They fit specific styles, scenes, and genres of photography.
64 creative Lightroom presets. Compatible with Lightroom 4, 5, 6 and CC and future releases. Compatible with Mac and PC. Works on RAW and JPEG images. Presets can be fully adjusted with all Lightroom settings.
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