Use your photo and turn it into architectual skecth in moments.You just need one click… Enhance your photo by applying this action and create awesome sketch effect in few minutes. This Action is perfect for your photos, website image design, flyer designs,invitation designs for partys,posters,movie posters and anything else that you need architectual sketch effect on… Don’t waste your time, just use this action and it will do the job for you in no time. Once action is completed you can turn on/off background color , turn on/off every layer and play with adjustments . You can brush out the areas that you don’t want effect on via layer mask using brushes, change color of every layer so you can create multiple color design,scale and move every layer, turn off layers to simplify your effect and create amazing results ...
Photoshop ABR | Photoshop PAT | Photoshop ATN | CS3+ | RAR 501 KB