Longsleeve On 5 Stages Mock-up 754612

Longsleeve On 5 Stages Mock-up 754612

PSD | 947 MB
We are honored to introduce you into the world of the multifunctional, luxury product - the mockup. We've prepared a series of mock-ups to exhibit your product and its unique design in full glory. With the greatest care and precision we've created scenes visualizing product in the way you've always dreamed of. The offered mock-ups are highly detailed, which makes them the highest quality presentation tool. In every scene you can adjust your own light and select an appropriate background. Select the original style of showcase for the product. Then, select the item and change it as you please. With us, you can be more creative than you've ever thought possible. Have fun!
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25 T-Shirts Mock-Up. Part 1 762365

25 T-Shirts Mock-Up. Part 1  762365

This is the first part of a epic bundle of T-shirts Mock-up. This part contains 25 mock-up with models of male and female in different locations. This mock-up has you want to present your designs in gorgeous photos!

Easy to place your designs using smart objects, double-click the Smart Layer, copy & paste your artwork, save and you’re done!
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