Black Friday - Discount Sale Banner 1936596

Black Friday - Discount Sale Banner 1936596

Black Friday - Discount Sale Banner 1936596

No matter what brands you're trying to sell, always make sure you do the promotion well. The most important thing in doing online business is to catch people's attention by their eyes. An eye-catching online posters will surely do the job. That's why our very first intention is to give you the best way possible to promote your products to the world. We present you with simple yet unique and professional banners that will attract people to check on your online store. The banners we make also fit for your website, blog, or any project you do online. The creativity we put in the banners we make are aimed to give the best impression of your beloved customers.
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FERNS Instagram Stories Pack 1938727

FERNS Instagram Stories Pack 1938727

FERNS Instagram Stories Pack 1938727

Use FERNS Instagram stories to inform your followers and to promote your business. FERNS Instagram stories is perfect for modern business, that want to promote new stuff, sales, promotion or even live video events, workshop events… This 12 templates are developed for Instagram, but you can also use them best for blog posts, Facebook or Pinterest. All is well organized, so you can easy start to work with the set. I have only used free fonts and free images (all links in download). The main image "FERNS" is included (NO stockimage, exclusive image for FERNS series) …so you only have to add your texts, perhaps some images and you are ready to post.
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Hype Monger Social Media Pack 1938188

Hype Monger Social Media Pack 1938188

Hype Monger Social Media Pack 1938188

Pretty bored with the abundance of the color solutions for social media templates we’ve re-discovered and fallen for Scandinavian minimalism. Simple shapes and color palette, pure logic and comprehensive design: everything you tend to put in value has been masterly embraced in our Hype Monger Social Media Pack. It represents 10 handy minimalistic templates for Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook & Twitter, complemented by smart objects to release you from long, dull customization process. Basically, all you need is a couple of clicks to bring your design: from colors to the choice of shot and composition, and the glorious result will never be long in coming.
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