GraphicRiver - The Zero Business Infographic Presentation 9356038

GraphicRiver - The Zero Business Infographic Presentation 9356038
GraphicRiver - The Zero Business Infographic Presentation 9356038

Introducing ZeroPresentation is a clean, versatile, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Template to present your business to potentials clients in a elegant way, Business Presentation has +200 slides of content (portfolios, general information, handmade infographics, data charts, section breaks, maps, tables, timeline etc. ), many layouts options, animations and more. This presentation was made it slide by slide, not based on master slides. Please be sure to install the fonts before open the presentation.
Powerpoint PPTX | Layered PSD | Powerpoint PPT | 1080x1920 | 543 MB
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GraphicRiver - Multipurpose Business Infographic PowerPoint 10571240

GraphicRiver - Multipurpose Business Infographic PowerPoint 10571240
GraphicRiver - Multipurpose Business Infographic PowerPoint 10571240

Introducing Elite Presentation is a clean, versatile, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template to present your business to potentials clients in a elegant way, Elite Business Presentation has +185 slides of content (portfolios, general information, handmade infographics, data charts, section breaks, maps, tables, timeline etc. ), many layouts options, animations and more. This presentation was made it slide by slide and based on master slides. Please be sure to install the fonts before open the presentation.
Powerpoint PPTX | Layered PSD | 1080x1920 | 777 MB
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GraphicRiver - PowerPoint Presentation Template 11871487

GraphicRiver - PowerPoint Presentation Template 11871487
GraphicRiver - PowerPoint Presentation Template 11871487

PowerPoint Presentation Template, clean, creative, simple, unique, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Template. All element easy to edit and you can easily change the color to match it with your personal or company brand. . Peshmerga has 155 unique slides of content (team, portfolios, general information, handmade Infographics, data charts, maps, tables, timeline etc.), many layouts options, animations and more. All objects are vectors and smart objects, and they are fully editable.
Powerpoint PPTX | 1920x1080 | RAR 164,8 MB
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GraphicRiver - Oggo Powerpoint 12158041

GraphicRiver - Oggo Powerpoint 12158041

Oggo a clean, dark, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Template to present your business to potentials clients in a elegant way, Oggo has 20 files (PPT and PPTX) & 120 Unique Slides each file of content(portfolios, general information, handmade infographics, data charts, section breaks, maps, tables, timeline etc. ), many layouts options, animations and more. Please be sure to install the fonts before open the presentation.
Powerpoint PPT | Powerpoint PPTX | Theme THMX | 1920x1080 | RAR 834,8 MB
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