GraphicRiver - Flex Photoshop Action

GraphicRiver - Flex Photoshop Action

Create incredibly detailed professional designs from your photos with just a few clicks
For really crisp details, scale your photo into the range of 2500 – 4500px. The line work will appear much finer on high resolution photos. For example, if you open your photo and its size is 1500×2500px – then scale it upto 2500×3500px or higher.
Photoshop ATN | Photoshop ABR | CS4+
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3D Polygon Shatter Photoshop Action 572801

 3D Polygon Shatter Photoshop Action 572801

How about save hours of work and get this beautiful effect in minutes? For beginners and experts, does not require great knowledge in photoshop. Help PDF included. Create highly detailed design effects from your photos with no effort at all. Make sure to read the PDF HELP FILE on how to get the most out of this effect. Designed to save you a huge amount of time and work per photo. Bring your images to life with the dynamic, three-dimensional effect of flying polygonal particles! It’s quick, simple and amazingly effective. Depending on your image, you can select one of four directions of movement: Left, right, up, down. The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS4,CS5,CS6,CC+
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