Aquino Font Family

Aquino Font Family
Aquino is a display calligraphic stencil typeface inspired by a liturgic book made by portuguese friar Tomas Aquino in 1735 – Collectaneum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis ad usum Congregationis S. Mariae de Alcobaca.
Friar Aquino’s Calligraphy shows a distinctive typographic flavour with a uniform and consistent execution of the serifed letters. He also wrote with unconnected strokes, resulting in stencil-like letterforms.
We analysed and followed the structures of Aquino’s minuscules, and used as models lowercase letters from different parts of the book. The design of the uppercase letters however is mostly original, as we decided to make them more consistent with the lowercase shapes and their logic of construction, instead of reproducing Aquino’s decorative majuscules.
Aquino is a display calligraphic stencil typeface inspired by a liturgic book made by portuguese friar Tomas Aquino in 1735 – Collectaneum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis ad usum Congregationis S. Mariae de Alcobaca.
Friar Aquino’s Calligraphy shows a distinctive typographic flavour with a uniform and consistent execution of the serifed letters. He also wrote with unconnected strokes, resulting in stencil-like letterforms.
We analysed and followed the structures of Aquino’s minuscules, and used as models lowercase letters from different parts of the book. The design of the uppercase letters however is mostly original, as we decided to make them more consistent with the lowercase shapes and their logic of construction, instead of reproducing Aquino’s decorative majuscules.