Baghadeer, from the hand of Stephen Rapp, is an upright connecting script brimming with personality. With its exuberant capitals, dashing crossover strokes, and rhythmic pulse; it retains the active spirit most associated with slanted scripts, but with the grounded presence of an upright.
Baghadeer contains 780 glyphs featuring a plethora of swashes, ligatures, and alternate letters to individualize the look of your project. There is also a set of small caps and ornamental flourishes to add some finishing touches. It contains feature programming to make typesetting seamless and has all the language coverage you'd expect in a pro font.
Baghadeer, from the hand of Stephen Rapp, is an upright connecting script brimming with personality. With its exuberant capitals, dashing crossover strokes, and rhythmic pulse; it retains the active spirit most associated with slanted scripts, but with the grounded presence of an upright.
Baghadeer contains 780 glyphs featuring a plethora of swashes, ligatures, and alternate letters to individualize the look of your project. There is also a set of small caps and ornamental flourishes to add some finishing touches. It contains feature programming to make typesetting seamless and has all the language coverage you'd expect in a pro font.