Caponi Text Font Family

Caponi Text Font Family

Caponi Text Font Family
10 OTF
While Caponi was initially designed for display use in Entertainment Weekly, the primary source was Bodoni’s text types, making the later addition of a text version a logical idea. Caponi Text is unusual among contemporary interpretations of Bodoni not just in focusing on Bodoni’s earliest work, but also in fully embracing the inconsistencies and unevenness of the source material. The warm, inviting tone of Caponi Text expands the notion of how a Bodoni can feel on the page. While preserving many eccentricities, it also make concessions to contemporary taste, so a more traditional lowercase s, with serifs rather than ball terminals, is available as an alternate.
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Caponi Display Font Family

Caponi Display Font Family

Caponi Display Font Family
12 OTF
The influence of master Italian punchcutter Giambattista Bodoni of Parma has only grown since his death in 1813. Though best known for his delicate, high-contrast Moderns, his early work had a character all its own, warmer and more organic, showing the influence of Pierre Simon Fournier in France. Caponi Display and Caponi Slab are similar in their lightest weights, but depart quickly into two very different approaches to weight and contrast. Though lower contrast than other contemporary Bodoni revivals, Caponi Display follows Bodoni’s approach to weight and contrast, with long, elegant ascenders and descenders.
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