Discount, Clean Modern Powerpoint 2633260

Discount, Clean Modern Powerpoint 2633260

Discount, Clean Modern Powerpoint 2633260
PPT, PPTX | 14 Mb
We are just opening the shop and BIG SALE is here, grab your copy before its too late :) We provide all the topics you need for your presentation in one single template. This is not just COMPLETE, this is COMPLETE AND WELL DESIGNED powerpoint template. Why buy a single topic for similar money if you can get plenty of important topics for your presentation? go get this amazing offer right now!
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Bigger Love – Clean Handwriting Font

Bigger Love – Clean Handwriting Font

Bigger Love – Clean Handwriting Font
Bigger Love A fine clean semi-script and handwriting font based on the real flow of scratch from the paper. It takes the handwriting font style to the next level, with still keep the casual vibes but luxury and glam as well. Perfectly fit for a logo, branding, title, headline, pair it with your favourite sans-serif fonts and you'll stand out classier than others.
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Bunday Clean Font Family

Bunday Clean Font Family

Bunday Clean Font Family
34 TTF
Bunday Clean is a minimalistic and friendly font family with different moods. It drops all "unnecessaries“ like spurs and ears and it appears crisp and contemporary with a little squarish touch. Like the other members of the Bunday superfamily, Bunday Sans and Bunday Slab, Bunday Clean provides a second set of styles with characters, that refer to handwritten forms: the "uprights“. These curvy styles give words a distinct look (presence) and a great appeal especially in display applications and logotype design.
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Clean Halftone Texture Brushes for Procreate
THIS PACK INCLUDES: • 10 Seamless Halftone Pattern Brushes • 6 Radial Halftone Stamps • 2 Bonus Brushes
This brush set will help you add clean and crisp halftone patterns to your lettering, illustration and designs.
All brushes can be scaled and adjusted to fit the canvas size you are working with.
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