Inicia Font Family

Inicia Font Family
12 OTF
A retro-style can be regarded as lack of original contemporary ideas. But also as passion for nostalgic time-traveling. Everyone wants to return to their youth at least for a moment. Inicia was one of my first designs (hence the name) from the mid-eighties. The original drawing was never finished because there were too many similar typefaces around. After three decades the shapes of the old designs suddenly became tempting to finish. Now restored and completed at Storm Type Foundry.
12 OTF
A retro-style can be regarded as lack of original contemporary ideas. But also as passion for nostalgic time-traveling. Everyone wants to return to their youth at least for a moment. Inicia was one of my first designs (hence the name) from the mid-eighties. The original drawing was never finished because there were too many similar typefaces around. After three decades the shapes of the old designs suddenly became tempting to finish. Now restored and completed at Storm Type Foundry.