Foobar Pro Font Family

Foobar Pro Font Family
This is the cool and stylish relative to Familiar pro. Like a cousin. Or perhaps a second cousin twice removed. Because parts of the letters are removed, see...
ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support:
They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh.
This is the cool and stylish relative to Familiar pro. Like a cousin. Or perhaps a second cousin twice removed. Because parts of the letters are removed, see...
ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support:
They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh.