Grande - PowerPoint Template 2395410

Grande - PowerPoint Template 2395410

Grande - PowerPoint Template 2395410
POTX PNG | 134 Mb
Grande-PowerPoint Template with Elegant, Minimalist, Simple and Modern Slide Design. Create 120+ unique slides based on 100+ master slides. Anyone can create an amazing presentation just changing images and text. You can use 300+ vector icons and mobile divice mock up. For better customization, I made easy-to-use one click settings, so you can save your time.
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Grande Holiday - Font Trio

Grande Holiday - Font Trio

Grande Holiday - Font Trio
Grande Holiday is a font package containing three different fonts. Each font contains lowercase, uppercase, numbers, symbols and also supports multi languages. You will get TTF and OTF. This font can use in any software without problem! A simple font.
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