Create multiple vintage effects and variations with an easy click, with a set of 101 Graphic Styles for Adobe Illustrator. 3 Products in one (The 101 Graphic Styles, 2 Files of Patterns and Textures and a file with the brushes). Product totally customizable, 100% vectors, scalable, resizable. Apply to any font, shapes and groups. No need multiple layers or stacked fonts. Make your own effects, adapt them to your project needs. What's included on the pack? • Ai file with the 101 Styles and basic color swatches. • Ai Swatch Library and .ase (AI Swatch Exchange file) with 104 Seamless Basic Patterns. • Ai Swatch Library and .ase with 15 Dirty Seamless Texture Patterns. • Ai file with 22 Basic Rough Brushes. • Info text files for each product. How it's work? Basically start with a 96 pt - 128 font size (styles are designed with this sizes on mind), open your Graphic Style Palette from the window menu, and only click on a style from the 101 included variations and Voila! Later, to make changes or customize your own, open the Appearance Panel and play with the attributes, the textures or brushes. To scale your style, you should check "Scale Strokes & Effects" and "Transform Pattern Tiles" in Preferences General.