Indie Film LR Preset Pack 2379941

Indie Film LR Preset Pack 2379941
Indie Film Lightroom Presets for Wedding & Portraits
Designed and used by Professional Wedding Photographers, this is a part of my new Wandering Hearts Products for Lightroom, a brand new preset style for Wedding & Portraits.
Subdued highlights & gorgeous color toning give these presets a beautiful modern film. Perfect to give your images some luster. You will receive 10 different presets with Indie Film Toning as well as a 55 Preset Tool Kit and a PDF Guide.
Indie Film Lightroom Presets for Wedding & Portraits
Designed and used by Professional Wedding Photographers, this is a part of my new Wandering Hearts Products for Lightroom, a brand new preset style for Wedding & Portraits.
Subdued highlights & gorgeous color toning give these presets a beautiful modern film. Perfect to give your images some luster. You will receive 10 different presets with Indie Film Toning as well as a 55 Preset Tool Kit and a PDF Guide.