Kookyheads – a dingbat doodle font! 2031569

Kookyheads – a dingbat doodle font! 2031569
They're heads. They're kooky. They're Kookyheads! I've drawn a set of doodle heads with a variety of expressions, plus some bonus blank heads and feature sets. Use the heads as-is, or type out the parts you need, expand/release/ungroup, then you can mix and match features from all of the heads and spare parts!
They're heads. They're kooky. They're Kookyheads! I've drawn a set of doodle heads with a variety of expressions, plus some bonus blank heads and feature sets. Use the heads as-is, or type out the parts you need, expand/release/ungroup, then you can mix and match features from all of the heads and spare parts!