Watercolor Poster Effect 2142774

Watercolor Poster Effect 2142774

Watercolor Poster Effect 2142774
Package containing one action created in Adobe Photoshop capable of adding a watercolor poster effect to your images. Inside the package you'll find one .atn file containing multiple actions with the same effect, but for different kind of images. Some images may be too bright or too dark for the normal action, so you'll have to use one of the actions in order to make sure you get the effect you want.
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Wear Promo Poster Flyer 21918467

Wear Promo Poster Flyer 21918467

Wear Promo Poster Flyer 21918467
PSD | 8.3x11.7 | 48 Mb
“Wear Promo Poster Flyer” – This flyer/poster was designed to promote wear, street style, fashion,but also can promote event such as a gig, concert, festival. This poster can also be used for a new album promotion or other advertising purposes. It has real street – urban feel.
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Pizza Box Poster Mockup 2430363

Pizza Box Poster Mockup 2430363

Pizza Box Poster Mockup 2430363
PSD | 81 Mb
Pizza Box Poster Mockup A great way for any creative person to show off their work. In this Adobe Photoshop file you can create your own fully customizable packaging project where you can display your own brand. You can easily put your branding or logo on these mock-ups with smart objects. With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc. The smart-object in the main file updates itself with any changes you make to it. All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.
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