Folded dress shirt template - layered, editable psd file prepared to showcase your custom design, by simply editinng the smart object and color layers.
Create your own designs and show them off with a quality stylish looking T-shirt mock-up. Easy to place your designs using smart objects. Smart-Object work with displace maps. Everything is on separate layers.
Men Long Sleeve T-Shirt Mockups 19758057 12 PSD 2000x3000 | 655 MB “Premium Male Long Sleeve Tees Real Mockups” – This graphic resource gives you a quick & easy possibility to apply your artwork, text, image, logo and every kind of graphic on a men long sleeve t-shirt weared by a model. You just need to replace them into the smart object. Create a great apparel showcase for your website, a facebook cover, a clothing magazine or a fashion website banner. This offer include 3 male models, black & white, each in 4 different poses and also the “Vintage Distressed Effect” that applies on your artwork to give that cool vintage touch to your long sleeve tees.
12 PSD T-Shirt Mock-up#1 - 1378829 PSD | 3840x2160 | 180 MB 12 easy to use mock-up to present your design. Cropping, changing perspectives and layer masking are not needed. Simply paste your design and everything is automatic.