Solitudo - Keynote Presentation 8804888

Solitudo - Keynote Presentation 8804888
Fully Editable in Keynote (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.) | 40+ Unique slides each theme | 4 Pre-made themes (blue, yellow, magenta, and green) | 16:9 screen layouts (HD) | Fully Animated | Drag & drop to change image | Devices mockup (with drag & drop to change screen) | Image placeholder
Fully Editable in Keynote (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.) | 40+ Unique slides each theme | 4 Pre-made themes (blue, yellow, magenta, and green) | 16:9 screen layouts (HD) | Fully Animated | Drag & drop to change image | Devices mockup (with drag & drop to change screen) | Image placeholder