Discount, Supernova Powerpoint 2517104

Discount, Supernova Powerpoint 2517104

Discount, Supernova Powerpoint 2517104
PPT, PPTX | 10 Mb
We are just opening the shop and BIG SALE is here, grab your copy before its too late :) We provide all the topics you need for your presentation in one single template. This is not just COMPLETE, this is COMPLETE AND WELL DESIGNED powerpoint template. Why buy a single topic for similar money if you can get plenty of important topics for your presentation? go get this amazing offer right now!
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Supernova Font Family

Supernova Font Family

Supernova Font Family

Supernova is a new family that combines the spontaneity of a script typeface with the versatility of multiple weights and cuts. The development of script typefaces has largely been limited to variations in shape and proportion (and with the advent of OpenType technology, the addition of alternate letterforms). Their application has continued to be primarily linked to their emotional attributes, while roman types predominate in body texts. Supernova takes a step in a different direction and was conceived as a script typeface family comprised of several weights and cuts, including a versatile, eye-catching display version and a highly legible body-text version with five weights.
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