Matte Urban Life Lightroom Presets 1335572

Matte Urban Life Lightroom Presets 1335572

Matte Urban Life Lightroom Presets 1335572
"Matte Urban Life" is a package containing 30 lightroom presets based on urban matte effect.Get your urban photo into gorgeous & different kind Matte effects with this pack.These package is developed for professional & non professional both type photographer.The best thing is you can customize the effects to exactly what you are looking for in a matter of seconds.You don't need a lot of experience about lightroom it can be used by everyone who has a basic lightroom experience. I recommend you to use good resolution image to get perfect output.So don't hesitate to purchase it.
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Actions for Photoshop Urban 1098884

Actions for Photoshop Urban 1098884

Actions for Photoshop Urban 1098884
Cities are truly amazing places. The dramatic collision of people and architecture gives each city a unique essence and existence. They are living breathing places that are simultaneously busy, lonely, awake, tired and alive. By their very nature, cities provide a varied and fascinating photography subject and this photoshop action set will help to get you excited about shooting your city.
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