Knight 2D Game Character Sprites 1232103

Knight 2D Game Character Sprites 1232103

Knight 2D Game Character Sprites 1232103
Character Spritesheets for your mobile game assets
This assets is for developers who want to create their mobile game apps for IOS and Android games and need Game Character Spritesheets for their projects.
Best assets for game Like: Shooting game, Running Game,Platform Game, and more side Scrolling games.
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Samurai 2D Game Character Sprites 1232104

Samurai 2D Game Character Sprites 1232104

Samurai 2D Game Character Sprites 1232104
haracter Spritesheets for your mobile game assets
This assets is for developers who want to create their mobile game apps for IOS and Android games and need Game Character Spritesheets for their projects.
Best assets for game Like: Shooting game, Running Game,Platform Game, and more side Scrolling games.
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Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V4 14778428

Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V4 14778428

Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V4 14778428
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No plugins | Resizable

Character City v4 is a huge improvement for character based explainer video creation workflow. Not only is this pack full of great designs and elements that can be easily added to your after effects project, it contains lots of technical innovations that will simplify the workflow. One of these innovative features is the Character rig that allows you to adjust the character to your custom style easily. All the elements of the character have separate controls, including skin tones, clothes colors, clothes styles, hair styles, facial elements, etc. All of the characters use shapes designed in Illustrator that come with the AE file, so you will always be able to expand the template with your own custom work.
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Portrait & Character Creator 1408779

Portrait & Character Creator 1408779

Portrait & Character Creator 1408779

Introducing Portrait & Character Creator. That's what you need to make your portrait. Add pattern to your portrait and your resume is ready. Use these beautiful characters for your blog or for a postcard. Make a frame for a friend or a birthday invitation. Make your character that looks like you or just use for your small business. Be sure to click on the image to see all the cuties.
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CreativeMarket Character creation toolkit - Ladies 550639

CreativeMarket Character creation toolkit - Ladies 550639

CreativeMarket Character creation toolkit - Ladies 550639
This fun toolkit will help you to create your own unique character. You will have plenty possibilities for customization everything - from head shape to body action.All parts of the body are separated so you can choose and make a different poses for each character. Also included color palette suggestion for skin tones and for hair color.
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Baby girl character constructor 777754

Baby girl character constructor 777754

Baby girl character constructor 777754
I'm very glad to suggest you this collection with baby girl personality and summer illustration elements.
You may combine them in different groups as shown in preview examples, or put by one. You are free to create any concept you like and and it will look wonderful any way. :-)
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