Universal Paint Brushed Explainer Toolkit 19733684

Universal Paint Brushed Explainer Toolkit 19733684

Universal Paint Brushed Explainer Toolkit 19733684
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1920x1080 | No Plugin

Universal Paint Brushed Explainer Toolkit allows you to assemble your own artistic animations in a handmade painted style! Animated lectures, blog presentations, explainer videos, commercials or product promo features – all of this is now possible to deliver with this stylish, fun and engaging template. This project can also be used for startups, e-commerce, or even schools to present your work or pitch an idea. Everything is made entirely in After Effects, which allows you to customize any part of the asset. This user friendly set-up allows anyone with minimum After Effects experience to produce quick results on the go. Just copy/paste your text and drop in the icons. Descriptive video tutorial is included. Universal Paint Brushed Explainer Toolkit is fast, unique and most energetic way to stand out from the crowd!
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55 Vector Paint Brushes 1744531

 55 Vector Paint Brushes 1744531

55 Vector Paint Brushes 1744531
EPS Ai | 8 MB
I've created a set of 55 vector brushes for Adobe Illustrator. These brushes were made from real life swashes with textured brush and acrylic paint. Some brushes have a very extreme texture, some are thinner in size. The brushes are suitable for drawing with any tool that draws strokes, mark making, accent making, adding textured backgrounds.
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Beautiful Oil Paint Action 1710781

Beautiful Oil Paint Action 1710781

Beautiful Oil Paint Action 1710781
Photoshop Actions | This action set has been developed for photographers and graphic designers. Everything is very straight forward. I have tried to make the item as very easy to use.
Instructions 1. Open Photoshop. 2. On the “Window” tab, click “Actions”, once the window has opened you will see an arrow pointing right in the top right-hand corner, click this then click “Load Actions”. 3. In the end, you just have to choose your action and click the play button. 4. You are done!
1 Atn. File Arranged (all layers are automatically arranged in a Group Folder) Make changes (most of the actions has been created using “Adjustments layers” which gives you the chance to change the values in your own way) Help File
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18 Grungy Paint Photoshop Masks 1695693

18 Grungy Paint Photoshop Masks 1695693

18 Grungy Paint Photoshop Masks 1695693

Hello ;) Here are 18 hand painted photoshop masks which are really easy to use if you have basic Photoshop knowledge. The help file is included, but you can always ask me for help if you get stuck. Create endless collages and beautiful grungy designs that you can use virtually for everything: business cards, websites, flyers, leaflets, cards and more! These beautiful masks were created by hand on paper and then scanned in high resolution.
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