Photography Portfolio 1036059

Photography Portfolio 1036059
InDesign template. | 20 unique layouts. | Print dimensions: A4 and US letter. | Print ready, CMYK, 300 DPI, bleed.
Aligned to 12 column grid. | Baseline grid. | Character styles. | Paragraph styles. | Automatic page numbering.
Edit brand colors through palette. | Images, texts and graphics on separated layers. | Free fonts used.
Links photography provided in help file. | 4.45 MB
InDesign template. | 20 unique layouts. | Print dimensions: A4 and US letter. | Print ready, CMYK, 300 DPI, bleed.
Aligned to 12 column grid. | Baseline grid. | Character styles. | Paragraph styles. | Automatic page numbering.
Edit brand colors through palette. | Images, texts and graphics on separated layers. | Free fonts used.
Links photography provided in help file. | 4.45 MB