Macis Font Family

Macis Font Family
8 Fonts
Macis is a real-and-fake-retro-modern font-family containing five weights from thin to black. It is inspired by shop signs, packaging and typography from around the middle of 20th century. Though it is strictly geometrically constructed, it contains some hand-crafted influences as well as some irregularities. Some say, it dances on the baseline, ’cause the bowls and curves reach far out over the stems.
Use it in big sizes, especially the extreme weights!
Macis is a real-and-fake-retro-modern font-family containing five weights from thin to black. It is inspired by shop signs, packaging and typography from around the middle of 20th century. Though it is strictly geometrically constructed, it contains some hand-crafted influences as well as some irregularities. Some say, it dances on the baseline, ’cause the bowls and curves reach far out over the stems.
Use it in big sizes, especially the extreme weights! Download