
The Siseriff™ family of types contains nine different styles, which were developed by the master Swedish typographer Bo Berndal in 2002. Siseriff is a contemporary slab serif face. Except for the Siseriff Black weight, all of the letters display a slightly condensed appearance that is coupled with a relatively uniform width throughout the alphabet. Siseriff’s nine styles are distributed across five weights (Light, Regular, Semi Bold, Bold and Black). The Italic companions for these styles (Siseriff Black does not have an italic companion) are true italics. These redrawn italics add a higher degree of differentiation from the Roman weights than could be achieved with obliques alone. Many common Slab Serif families (e. g., Serifa) do not offer this degree of differentiation. This variety makes Siseriff the perfect choice for journalistic and editorial work, where a good hierarchy may be achieved solely by relying on the various weights available, and their italics. Download