Legault Bold Hand-Drawn Script

Legault Bold has great readability and can be used for: logos, callouts and headlines for advertising, wedding invitations, t-shirts, signage, scrape booking, posters, badges etc.
Legault Bold is a modern hand-drawn script font. Two font files OTF and TTF with (Latin-1 Supplement) ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÝ ÑÒÓÔÕÖØŒÙÚÛÜ àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöðøœùúûüýÿ.
Legault font family includes four different weights (light, regular, bold, and heavy) sold separately and as a group discounted.Font, Typeface, Script, Hand-Drawn
nitroflare.com: Download