Cala Font Family

Cala Font Family
8 OTF, 8 TTF
Cala is a reflection of Venetian Renaissance types but with a contemporary look. It has an energetic profile, achieved through soft outlines and a flowing rhythm. It is lively, remains stable in small sizes and is beautiful in display sizes. Cala comes in eight styles, in OpenType format and with extended language support. All weights contain standard and discretional ligatures, small caps, proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, proportional old style figures, lining old style figures, matching currency symbols, fraction- and scientific numerals.
8 OTF, 8 TTF
Cala is a reflection of Venetian Renaissance types but with a contemporary look. It has an energetic profile, achieved through soft outlines and a flowing rhythm. It is lively, remains stable in small sizes and is beautiful in display sizes. Cala comes in eight styles, in OpenType format and with extended language support. All weights contain standard and discretional ligatures, small caps, proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, proportional old style figures, lining old style figures, matching currency symbols, fraction- and scientific numerals. Download