Instance Font Family

Instance Font Family
20 TTF
Instance is a new classic built on the foundation of over two centuries of history. Fresh and contemporary, while feeling familiar. This typeface is a high contrast sans serif typeface family and was designed for contemporary typography, especially for use in headlines and on posters, but also for reading purposes.A flexible, medium to high contrast, sans serif less about designing a stylish decorative design and more about applying contrast onto a neo-grotesk skeleton.Instance is more than just chopping off the serifs. The classical proportions of the capitals and x-heights were maintained, but the letterforms were rebalanced for use without serifs. Contemporary modifications were made to some widths, as well as an all new Light weight was created.
20 TTF
Instance is a new classic built on the foundation of over two centuries of history. Fresh and contemporary, while feeling familiar. This typeface is a high contrast sans serif typeface family and was designed for contemporary typography, especially for use in headlines and on posters, but also for reading purposes.A flexible, medium to high contrast, sans serif less about designing a stylish decorative design and more about applying contrast onto a neo-grotesk skeleton.Instance is more than just chopping off the serifs. The classical proportions of the capitals and x-heights were maintained, but the letterforms were rebalanced for use without serifs. Contemporary modifications were made to some widths, as well as an all new Light weight was created. Download