Noticia Font Family

Noticia Font Family
10 TTF
»NOTICIA« is my new Sans based on the modernistic, constructivist letterforms of the »Bauhaus« era. The names Herbert Bayer and Paul Renner come to mind as design beacons of that time. »NOTICIA« is different in its proportions and long ascenders and desenders make for good readability, slanted endings on some horizontal strokes give the font more dynamic. The font also has an additional set of medieval ciphers »NOTICIA« brings the old forms up to todays standards in typography. I am now offering these 10 fonts at a sensational family price.
10 TTF
»NOTICIA« is my new Sans based on the modernistic, constructivist letterforms of the »Bauhaus« era. The names Herbert Bayer and Paul Renner come to mind as design beacons of that time. »NOTICIA« is different in its proportions and long ascenders and desenders make for good readability, slanted endings on some horizontal strokes give the font more dynamic. The font also has an additional set of medieval ciphers »NOTICIA« brings the old forms up to todays standards in typography. I am now offering these 10 fonts at a sensational family price. Download