Hurme Geometric Sans No.Font Family

Hurme Geometric Sans No.Font Family
56 OTF
56 OTF
Hurme Geometric Sans No.1 includes seven weights with true Small Caps and obliques. Please see the specimen PDF for complete overview of the typeface and its features. Alternate characters and other Opentype features make for a versatile family that can be adjusted for specific needs. Hurme Geometric Sans No.1 and No.2 are essentially the same fonts, but with different sets of characters set as default. All the other characters can be accessed through the Opentype features. When buying HGS No.1, you will receive corresponding weights of HGS No.2 free of charge.Hurme Geometric Sans is a series of font families all with distinctive qualities and features but share the same basic construction and proportions. See also the other Hurme Geometric Sans families.
Hurme Geometric Sans No.3 includes seven weights with true Small Caps and obliques. Please see the specimen PDF for complete overview of the typeface and its features. Alternate characters and other Opentype features make for a versatile family that can be adjusted for specific needs.Hurme Geometric Sans No.4 includes seven weights with true Small Caps, obliques and swash alternates. Uppercase swash alternates can be automatically applied to all characters or just to first and last characters of each word. Please see the specimen PDF for complete overview of the typeface and its features. Alternate characters and other Opentype features make for a versatile family that can be adjusted for specific needs. Download