Complete In Him Pro

Complete In Him Pro
A bold and beautiful handwriting - perfect for setting personal and meaningful messages. Some glyph shapes and stroke thicknesses has been normalized (to make the text more even), and I have added some kerning - not too much though, I wanted to keep the liveliness of it.
ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support:
They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh.
A bold and beautiful handwriting - perfect for setting personal and meaningful messages. Some glyph shapes and stroke thicknesses has been normalized (to make the text more even), and I have added some kerning - not too much though, I wanted to keep the liveliness of it.
ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support:
They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. Download