Pinsetter three friendly fonts

Pinsetter three friendly fonts
Introducing Pinsetter, a set of three fun hand-lettered fonts that mix and match and snuggle together like one big alphabet family.
Both the Littles and Middles alphabets can stand alone on their own, or they can mix together. And the Talls are designed especially to cradle the Littles, so you can make fun combinations galore!
Introducing Pinsetter, a set of three fun hand-lettered fonts that mix and match and snuggle together like one big alphabet family.
Both the Littles and Middles alphabets can stand alone on their own, or they can mix together. And the Talls are designed especially to cradle the Littles, so you can make fun combinations galore!
For those who like to work within one font, using OpenType features, you're covered -- Pinsetter Complete contains all three alphabets! Default is the Littles; just hit the Swash button to get the Middles, and the Stylistic Alternates button to get the Talls!
But if you don't have easy access to OpenType alternates, never fear! I've also broken the three alphabets out into Pinsetter Littles, Pinsetter Middles, and Pinsetter Talls, so everyone can mix and match no matter what software they're using. Each set includes its own set of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and over 200 accented characters!
Pinsetter Complete in OTF file format (contains all three alphabets, coded as OpenType alternates)
Pinsetter Littles, Middles, and Talls in OTF and TTF file formats
Over 200 accented characters in each file for language support
A handy PDF guide that shows what letters are in which alphabet
Fully PUA-encoded for easy character map / glyphs panel access Download