Monrad Bundle Offer - Sans + Grotesk

Monrad Bundle Offer - Sans + Grotesk
48 OTF 48 TTF 24 WOFF 24 EOT 24 SVG
Now you have a change to get a package of Monrad Font Family. This bundle of fonts contains all the Monrad font family - Sans and Grotesk version. consist 24 weights - Black, Bold, Semibold, Regular, Light, EkstraLight + Italic.
48 OTF 48 TTF 24 WOFF 24 EOT 24 SVG
Now you have a change to get a package of Monrad Font Family. This bundle of fonts contains all the Monrad font family - Sans and Grotesk version. consist 24 weights - Black, Bold, Semibold, Regular, Light, EkstraLight + Italic.