Masqualero Font Family

Masqualero Font Family
14 OTF
The Masqualero™ family is a versatile solution for a deep and broad range of applications. In large sizes, the heavier designs are dark and handsome, while the lighter weights are charming and friendly in text copy. Thanks to its many variations and distinctive demeanor, both print and interactive designers will find that Masqualero expands their creative options, while setting the perfect tone to catch and hold readers’ attention.
14 OTF
The Masqualero™ family is a versatile solution for a deep and broad range of applications. In large sizes, the heavier designs are dark and handsome, while the lighter weights are charming and friendly in text copy. Thanks to its many variations and distinctive demeanor, both print and interactive designers will find that Masqualero expands their creative options, while setting the perfect tone to catch and hold readers’ attention.