Lavender Bloom Hand Lettered Font 1403595

Lavender Bloom Hand Lettered Font 1403595

Lavender Bloom Hand Lettered Font 1403595
OTF | 7.4 Mb

Lavender Bloom is the perfect choice for invitations, scrapbooking, making cards, branding, packaging, prints, social media and so much more. The only limit is your imagination! This fun and fancy font has different styles of capital and lowercase letters, so you can mix and match as much as your heart desires. I've even included some stylistic alternates, unique initial characters, and a standard ligature to help you mix things up even more! Want to know something great? Lavender Bloom also has multilingual support for Western European languages! To be sure that the characters you need are included, please test them out in the preview box below. Included in your download is the OTF for the full Lavender Bloom font. Download Download
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