ITC Lubalin Graph Full Family

ITC Lubalin Graph Full Family
18 OTF 20 TTF
ITC Lubalin Graph® was initially designed by Herb Lubalin and drawn to fit the requirements of typographic reproduction by Tony DiSpigna and Joe Sundwall in 1974. Its underlying forms are those of Lubalin’s previously released ITC Avant Garde Gothic, but its shapes were modified to accommodate large slab serifs. Its condensed weights, which include small caps and oldstyle figures, were later additions by Helga Jorgenson and Sigrid Engelmann in 1992. The family, with its generous x-height and overall tight fit has come to represent the typographic style of American graphic design in the 1970s. The typeface is at home when paired with mid-century modern design and spare sanses or more traditional text faces from the period. ITC Lubalin Graph covers four weights in its condensed width from Book to Bold, and five weights in its normal width.
18 OTF 20 TTF
ITC Lubalin Graph® was initially designed by Herb Lubalin and drawn to fit the requirements of typographic reproduction by Tony DiSpigna and Joe Sundwall in 1974. Its underlying forms are those of Lubalin’s previously released ITC Avant Garde Gothic, but its shapes were modified to accommodate large slab serifs. Its condensed weights, which include small caps and oldstyle figures, were later additions by Helga Jorgenson and Sigrid Engelmann in 1992. The family, with its generous x-height and overall tight fit has come to represent the typographic style of American graphic design in the 1970s. The typeface is at home when paired with mid-century modern design and spare sanses or more traditional text faces from the period. ITC Lubalin Graph covers four weights in its condensed width from Book to Bold, and five weights in its normal width.