Negroni Font Family

Negroni Font Family
A dinner is not complete without a fine appetizer. Whatever you dinner will be, CA Negroni is the perfect introduction. Delivered in three flavors, Normal (Light + Black + Fill), Inline and Round. Versatility is proved by the extensive language support, covering whole Central Europe.
A dinner is not complete without a fine appetizer. Whatever you dinner will be, CA Negroni is the perfect introduction. Delivered in three flavors, Normal (Light + Black + Fill), Inline and Round. Versatility is proved by the extensive language support, covering whole Central Europe.
CA Negroni is the well aged and improved version of a typographic classic: in the beginning of the 20th century, type in advertising was mostly drawn by hand. A master of this art and pioneer in logo-design was Wilhelm Deffke (1187–1950). CA Negroni is inspired by his kind of bold and solid letterings, picking up some of the charming details while leaving away other that might have a disturbing effect on the general look.