SLIME - OTF Font & PNGs 1937051

SLIME - OTF Font & PNGs 1937051
SLIME is a colour OTF font. Each letter has been created in 3D then turned into a simple to use font. Just download and start typing in slime green lettering. SLIME is perfect for spooky halloween party invites! Also included in the download is a photoshop document with all 26 characters as individual png layers. The size of the letters in both the font and pngs is roughly 1000px tall including the slime drips. The font is a colour OpenType file which means this font will show up only in apps that are compatible with color bitmap fonts, like Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.0.1 It comes as a special OpenType .otf font file, in which each character is encoded with two image formats: OpenType-SVG and SBIX. Download