Klamp 205 Font Family

Klamp 205 Font Family
14 TTF
Talbot Type Klamp 205 is an elegant and streamlined, geometric sans-serif. A legible text font, its narrow proportions mean it’s economical with space; while at larger sizes it makes a confident, modern display face.
Klamp 205 is available in a comprehensive family of seven weights, featuring an extended character set to include old style numerals, as well as accented characters for Central European languages. It is also available with some character variations as Klamp 105, most notably featuring a more modern, single-storey lower case a and g.
14 TTF
Talbot Type Klamp 205 is an elegant and streamlined, geometric sans-serif. A legible text font, its narrow proportions mean it’s economical with space; while at larger sizes it makes a confident, modern display face.
Klamp 205 is available in a comprehensive family of seven weights, featuring an extended character set to include old style numerals, as well as accented characters for Central European languages. It is also available with some character variations as Klamp 105, most notably featuring a more modern, single-storey lower case a and g.